Go behind the camera and place your favorite MY LITTLE PONY characters in the center of the action in this app filled with exciting stories—created by YOU—and powered by the Magic of Friendship!
Create your own animated story now starring over 125 characters from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, My Little Pony: The Movie, and Equestria Girls, including Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Princess Celestia.
- Better to Be Bad Collection includes all of your favorite villains such as Tirek, Cozy Glow, Mane-iac, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra and the Pony of Shadows! Enjoy completing new friendship stories with all new scenes, props, and characters.
- The Movie Collection includes your favorite friends and poses from My Little Pony The Movie. Add Songbird Serenade, Princess Skystar, Capper, Captain Celaeno, Tempest Shadow and the Storm King to your very own movies! New friendship stories feature all new scenes, props, and music straight from the movie!
- Best Pet Collection includes more poses for your favorite pets including Tank, Angel, Gummy, Winona, Owlowiscious, Opalescence, and Philomena, too!
Choose your favorite characters, props, and locations in Equestria and then add your own voice to narrate the tale. Of course, it can’t be a MY LITTLE PONY tele-tale without some drama and friendship problems to solve. This app also features key foes, including the mighty Tirek, the redeemed Discord, and “The Great and Powerful” Trixie.
Complete daily story goals to earn Story Sparkles! Spend these sparkles to earn content you can use in your own stories. Complete all of the story goals in each day to earn bonus sparkles to unlock even more great My Little Pony content!
NOTE: Before you download this experience, please consider that this app contains in-app purchases that cost money. Additional content cannot be unlocked without spending money. Please note that Stickers can only be used with iOS10 and above. This version is ad supported.
Simple animation tools make it easy to turn your best ideas into pulsing MY LITTLE PONY fun:
- Pick a pony!
- Pick their co-star!
- Pick a background and some props…
- And you’re ready to yell “ACTION!”
- A robust cast of characters – over 125 of your favorite characters!
- Numerous storytelling opportunities, as each pony comes with a set of specific backgrounds, props, and co-stars!
- Character customization through resizing and rotating!
- Beautiful art and magical music and sound effects that set the stage!
- Record-your-own-voice narration!
- Save as many of your own tales to share with family and friends!
- Practice early literacy skills through guided and imaginative story telling
PlayDate Digital Inc. is an emergent publisher of high-quality, interactive, mobile educational software for children. PlayDate Digital’s products nurture children’s emerging literacy and creativity skills by turning digital screens into engaging experiences. PlayDate Digital content is built in partnership with some of the world’s most trusted global brands for kids.